Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Donohue brays about those danged godless America-ruiners

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Bill “Jackass” Donohue of the Catholic League has published a new empty screed against those damned “secular saboteurs” (note to Bill: it’s not classy to reuse the title of your own pathetic book for other writings) in the Washington Post. You can tell how twisted his rant is gonna be right from the get-go (as you usually can with nuts like him):

There are many ways cultural nihilists are busy trying to sabotage America these days: multiculturalism is used as a club to beat down Western civilization in the classroom; sexual libertines seek to upend the cultural order by attacking religion; artists use their artistic freedoms to mock Christianity; Hollywood relentlessly insults people of faith; activist left-wing legal groups try to scrub society free of the public expression of religion; elements in the Democratic party demonstrate an animus against Catholicism; and secular-minded malcontents within Catholicism and Protestantism seek to sabotage their religion from the inside.

Isn’t interesting how he first opens with claiming that America is being “sabotaged”, and then proceeds to make assertion after assertion that, while being ridiculous in themselves, also have nothing to do with anything other than religion, particularly his precious Catholicism? As though the Catholic faith had anything of real influence to do with making America what it is, culturally to politically.

But, skip to a few factually-challenged paragraphs later, and we arrive at Donohue’s flaming bigotry:

Sexual libertines, from the Marquis de Sade to radical gay activists, have sought to pervert society by acting out on their own perversions. What motivates them most of all is a pathological hatred of Christianity. They know, deep down, that what they are doing is wrong, and they shudder at the dreaded words, "Thou Shalt Not." But they continue with their death-style anyway.

Right, what makes all those damned pervy gayz strive for social reform and equality is not a desire for justice, but a deep-seated hatred of religion. Donohue’s pet subset of religion, to be precise.

Donohue has a pathological hatred of common sense, I do believe.

The ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State harbor an agenda to smash the last vestiges of Christianity in America. Lying about their real motives, they say their fidelity is to the Constitution. But there is nothing in the Constitution that sanctions the censorship of religious speech. From banning nativity scenes to punishing little kids for painting a picture of Jesus, the zealots give Fidel a good run for his money.

Once again, one is in awe at the depth of the dumbassery evident within these words. First of all, there are no “last vestiges” of Christianity in America; over 70% of Americans consider themselves to be Christian. (Oh, but wait – did Donohue mean True ChristiansTM (ie. fundies)?) Second, no-one is trying to censor religious speech or preaching, despite what Christofascists do like to shout at the top of their whiny voices. The fact that you are no longer allowed to impose proselytization in schools and public or governmental structures or organizations is not persecution, but equality and fairness to people of other faiths (including the faithless). But then, Lord knows Christians tend to have a heart attack whenever the concept of “equality” comes along.

Secularists within Catholicism and Protestantism are so out of control that it makes one wonder how any serious-minded person would ever accuse these religions of being oppressive. Insubordination of the most flagrant kind is routinely tolerated in a way that would never be countenanced at the New York Times, yet the bad rap always goes to Christians. We're not talking about those pushing for moderate reforms: we're talking about termites eating away from within.

Or, in analogical form: “Whaddaya mean, my son’s the bully? He’s the one who’s always getting picked on by all those other kids! They have it in for him, just because he’s special!”

Just as he’s winding down in finishing his verbiage of shite, he closes in true Donohue style:

The culture war is up for grabs. The good news is that religious conservatives continue to breed like rabbits, while secular saboteurs have shut down: they're too busy walking their dogs, going to bathhouses and aborting their kids. Time, it seems, is on the side of the angels.

Let he never wonder why he is universally known as “Jackass” Donohue.