Sunday, October 04, 2009

Are fundies really that dumb, or is Colbert just that good?

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One thing that’s just endlessly amusing to me is how many fundies (and dumb people in general) fall for satirical comedian Stephen Colbert’s act and take it at face value. Apparently, the intentional ridiculousness of what Colbert adds to his caricatured claims – not to mention his comical bluster – completely sails a mile over their heads. It’s happened with Birther queen Orly Taitz, who, when interviewed by Colbert a few months ago, was obviously completely unaware that he was mocking her and tearing her claims apart. It also happened with Bill Donohue, who included an endorsement from Colbert for his new shitty book. This last bit of Colbert brilliance was so obviously satirical that I still wonder how even Donohue fell for it.

And now, our latest inductee into the Fallin’ for Colbert: A Hall of the Oblivious: Pastor Tom Estes! Referring to the interview Colbert had with Richard Dawkins a couple of evenings back:

While [prominent New Atheists] are well-educated, they clearly lack the basic intelligence to see the obvious; God exists. Even Colbert, who I know nothing about, schooled Dawkins when he came on his show, which isn't saying much.

Except that anyone who’s actually seen the show (or, at least, saw it and actually understood any form of context) can tell how blindingly obvious it was that Colbert was parodying the fundies and the religious, in favor of what Dawkins was saying. It was a brilliant interview (and I’d be posting a clip here if stupid Comedy Central would allow Canadians to view their fucking videos properly) – which, of course, evidently meant that fools like T.Estes would fall for it.

I wonder if there isn’t a sort of reverse Poe’s Law, for when fundies fall for satire …?