Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Responding to reason with lunacy, Limbaugh-style

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A caller on Rush Limbaugh's show asks sensible questions about the overblown reaction from the right aimed towards Obama's school speech of yesterday. Limbaugh responds by repeating the same ridiculous canards about socialist takeovers, and even uses that hilariously stupid legal argument that the President cannot "take over" the schools. Because, apparently, in the mind of the right-wing kooks, simply speaking to schoolkids in a public speech amounts to a socialism and taking control of schools.

Nice how he condescendingly tells the woman to "wake up" and that he'll talk to her in ten years. I've got my fingers cross that she'll never have to, as hopefully this gasbag will be off the air by then.

(via Dispatches from the Culture Wars)
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