Monday, September 07, 2009

Once again showing how the right just cannot get outraged over anything that's not fake and false

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President Obama's much-decried beginning-of-schoolyear speech to students tomorrow has now been posted on the White House website.

And guess what? Not a single mention, anywhere within its 2,438 words, about socialism, commies, a government takeover of anyone or any kind, of enlisting the kids to help the president – of anything of what the right-wing nuts and kooks said would be there, basically. Instead, we have such antagonistic messages as, you know, encouraging kids to ask questions, to set their own goals, to be all they can be, that so forth.

Yeah, I know. How dare the president talk to schoolchildren about that sort of stuff. Uniting kids under the common goals of excellence and success so they can make a better world and a stronger country ... that's socialism!!! *thunderclap*

The wackaloons on the right have yet again proven that the only sort of outrage they can muster is of the fake and demonstrably stupid variety. If they didn't want to be constantly dubbed as nuts and yahoos and being generally regarded as being the shame of America, maybe they ought to stop acting so irrationally, dishonestly and childishly? Just a thought.

I forgot to mention how, in addition to Republicans whining and being generally dishonest about Obama's speech to schoolchildren, this "overreaction" of theirs (not that there needed be a reaction to begin with) is hilariously hypocritical (as usual – what about the Republicans and what they do isn't hypocritical these days?). Anyone here old enough (or obsessed with archived footage enough) to remember the speech their Republican hero, President Ronald Reagan, gave to the schoolkids in 1986? Take a look at it, and you'll find – surprise! – that he did exactly what the right is falsely accusing Obama of doing: trying to haul the kids in and lauding how great his administration had been for the country (which is, perhaps, debatable).

I'd really love it if any Republicans or right-wingers stepped forth and admitted their hypocrisy. But then, asking these wingnuts to be intellectually honest is sort of a dead-end.

(via Dispatches from the Culture Wars)

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