Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Incontrovertible proof that Ray Comfort is stupid, illiterate and blind

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Leave it to the mustachioed buffoon to give me something to blog about in the pits of the blogging fodder vacuum I've experienced today. Seriously, you've got to read this. This is so stupid ... words literally fail to describe it. (And I'm usually pretty good at describing stupid, mind you.)

"If you're looking for real proof of evolution, go to Let's see you refute THAT...I highly doubt that this will be featured as a blog entry, because I know that you will once again be unable to stand up against the indisputable evidence for evolution, and will choose to ignore this post. If you do, however, choose to feature this as a blog post, I would like to congratulate you on your courage, and happily invite you to your demise." L Hazzal

This is an in context quote from the above site giving indisputable evidence for evolution:

"One of the most important experiments in evolution is going on right now in a laboratory in Michigan State University. A dozen flasks full of E. coli are sloshing around on a gently rocking table. The bacteria in those flasks has been evolving since 1988--for over 44,000 generations. And because they've been so carefully observed all that time, they've revealed some important lessons about how evolution works. The experiment was launched by MSU biologist Richard Lenski….Based on what scientists already knew about evolution, Lenski expected that the bacteria would experience natural selection in their new environment. In each generation, some of the microbes would mutate. Most of the mutations would be harmful, killing the bacteria or making them grow more slowly. Others would be beneficial allowing them to breed faster in their new environment. They would gradually dominate the population, only to be replaced when a new mutation arose to produce an even fitter sort of microbe." [Note that Comfort "coincidentally" left out key bits of info that further solidify the evidence gleamed from the tests.] [My emphasis]

These are still bacteria. Nothing has changed. There has been no "evolution" at all. This experiment has nothing to do with Darwinian evolution.

Un ... freakin' ... real. I literally had the impulse to shout out in indignation upon reading this.

It's right there – it's literally spelled out, in plain, basic English, black on white, in detail.

Yes, they are still bacteria, Ray. What the hell did you expect, that they'd grow wings, sprout eyes, or obtain fire-breathing abilities? No-one ever said, expected or imagined they'd ever be anything more than E. coli bacteria following this test. But saying "nothing has changed" – for fuck's sake, Ray. It's spelled out right there, in front of your bleedin' eyes. They have changed, from one strand of E. coli into another. The strands made weaker my harmful mutations died out; the ones made stronger and more suited for survival and reproduction took over and won out.

That, Ray, is the EXACT TEXTBOOK DEFINITION of Darwinian evolution and Natural Selection. That's ALL it is. Tiny little mutations and changes that, over time and multiple generations, add up to make a (however slightly) superior strand of a species that, over time, spreads its superior genes around and makes the entire species in itself better apt for survival.

That's all evolution is. If you think these bacteria were suddenly gonna give birth to a pig or something, then you're the one with a serious mental deficit, Ray, along with anyone who has such a horrifically shallow, bastardized and retarded notion of what evolution is.

Please, Ray. Please. Get ... a ... CLUE ... about what evolution is. Read at least ONE book on the subject. Just one. You really need – not should, NEED – to learn the very first thing about the theory you are working so hard to try and discredit. You cannot keep attacking evolution like a blind fool would haphazardly swing a club at a group of ninjas. You just can't. All you look like is ... a blind fool.