Friday, September 11, 2009

Babies are scientists! The proof is in the bottle

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Well, they have to be, considering they're born knowing the scientific method, as PersonalFailure's little niece, "Blondie", demonstrates:

My newest niece just turned one*. I caught a ride to work with my sister and my niece, we'll call her Blondie, was in the back seat with a half-full bottle of formula.

I watched Blondie as she tried to get formula out of the bottle without sucking on it. Her first try was to hold the bottle upside-down. This did not work. Then she tried holding the bottle upside-down and shaking it, with no success. Blondie then experimented with variations on the same theme: holding the bottle at a 90 degree angle, holding it straight out from her body like a wand, with and without shaking, etc.

Eventually, Blondie ended up accidentally squeezing the nipple of the bottle and formula flew out. Success! She then worked out the most efficient way to squeeze the nipple (gripping it with her fingers in the manner of milking a cow) and formula was everywhere, at which point the experiment was abruptly ended.**

Blondie proved to me that humans are born knowing the scientific method. She formulated a hypothesis: If I hold the bottle upside-down, formula will come out. She tested that hypothesis. She worked out the results: formula does not come out when I hold the bottle upside down. She then reformulated the hypothesis: if I hold the bottle upside-down and shake it, formula will come out. She then repeated this process until she got her desired result.


*I really wish I could show you a video of her. She is just the cutest thing ever, but this is the internet and there are pervs. Lots of pervs. Pervy pervs. [Aww, dang. 'Tis just a picture ... *puppydog eyes*]

**My sister knew what was going on the whole time. She thought it was funny, too, until formula started raining all over the inside of her car.

Makes you wonder ... If a baby that young has figured out what science is, how come dunces like Ray Comfort, the Hovinds, Ken Ham, William Dembski and who-knows-how-many-others still can't figure it out and put it to use?

Methinks that, if there is a Creator, he must indeed love us for putting them here to amuse us.

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