Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When you're married, a man cannot rape his wife as they are one

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You gotta hate it when kooks dredge up arguments from the Bible, of all places, to try and either pass or reject laws to fit their own misogynistic worldviews. Example: there's currently a bill pending in the Bahamas which aims to outlaw marital rape. Now, what sort of dunghead would be against such a basic law?

The Bible-thumping dunghead, of course.

The bill, which is designed to outlaw marital rape, was tabled in the House of Assembly last month.

However, many Bahamian men, like taxi driver Pemmie Sutherland, say the bill is "simply unnecessary."

"It is ridiculous for them to try to make that a law, because I don’t think a man can rape his own wife. After two people get married, the Bible says that they become one – one flesh. How is it possible to rape what is yours?" asked Mr. Sutherland.

Elvis Russell told the Journal that he does not support the bill either because there is no such thing as rape within a marriage.

"Even if a woman says no to her husband it still can’t be considered rape because she is his wife. He already paid his dues at the church and she already said ‘I do,’ so from then on, even if [a man] forces sex on his wife, it isn’t rape," he said.

Hearing such cretins complain that a bill aiming to criminalize marital rape is unnecessary is bad enough – but what's worse, is the women who also think the bill is unneeded.

Despite popular belief that most women are in support of the bill, there were quite a few Bahamian women who share Mr. Sutherland’s and Mr. Russell’s views.

Deanne Sweeting said that she strongly disagrees with the bill and does not understand why so many women are supporting it.

"I disagree with the bill because I disagree that a man can rape his wife. The Bible tells me that a man’s body is his wife’s and her body is his. How could he rape her?" asked Ms. Sweeting.

Coralee Clarke told the Journal that although she is not married, she believes that a man is entitled to sex from his wife whenever he feels like it.

"If a man wants to have sex with his wife he is supposed to [have sex with her] regardless of what the circumstances [are]. I don’t see why he should be charged with raping his own wife, she is never supposed to say no," said Ms. Clarke.

"If I were married and my husband wanted to have sex with me I wouldn’t stop him, [because] I’m not supposed to, even if I was tired or feeling sick, I wouldn’t tell him no."

Hearing women describe how they are mere possessions, mere slaves – mere fuck toys, basically – to their all-powerful husbands like that ... It's so simultaneously heartbreaking, and pathetic. (And outrageous.) How can women expect to be treated equally when others, like these, don't even want to?

I may not know much about Bahamian culture, but any culture that expects women to just bow down to their owners husbands deserves to be openly shat upon.

(via Pharyngula)