Something that's been incredibly obvious to anyone with half a brain and basic experience around gay people is that homosexuality is neither a choice, nor is it "learned", or "conditioned" into someone. It's how they are, they're born that way, which logically means it's genetic, hardwired right into them. Which means there's no way in hell they can stop being gay – unless they somehow had their genome changed.
Ever since anti-gay sentiment arose (ie. roughly since the dawn of time) there have been claims about reversing homosexual tendencies or urges, either through whatever cockamamie ritualistic and pseudo-scientific methods they can invent, or via that old crusher of all sins, "faith". 'Cuz of course, you can always try and pray teh gay away. *facepalm*
Now, the American Psychological Association has released a massive report, covering nearly a hundred scientific and peer-reviewed studies, that indicates only one thing: you can't reverse your homosexuality or become heterosexual if you're not born that way. It just ain't gonna happen – and what's more (another annoyingly obvious fact), if anything, trying to do so will only leave you angry, hurt and confused about yourself and the world.
(CNN) -- The American Psychological Association concluded Wednesday that there is little evidence that efforts to change a person's sexual orientation from gay or lesbian to heterosexual are effective.
In addition, the 138-page report -- covering 87 peer-reviewed studies -- said that such efforts may cause harm.
"Contrary to claims of sexual orientation change advocates and practitioners, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions to change sexual orientation," said Judith M. Glassgold, chairwoman of the task force that presented the report at the group's annual meeting in Toronto, Canada. The Washington-based association represents more than 150,000 members.
"At most, certain studies suggested that some individuals learned how to ignore or not act on their homosexual attractions. Yet, these studies did not indicate for whom this was possible, how long it lasted or its long-term mental health effects. Also, this result was much less likely to be true for people who started out only attracted to people of the same sex."
In response, the group's governing Council of Representatives passed a resolution Wednesday urging mental health professionals not to recommend to their clients that they can change their sexual orientation through therapy or any other methods.
First of all, any "mental health professional" who actually believes one can change their sexuality needs to have their own head examined – whilst being kicked out head-first from their profession and title as "expert".
There is little that's crueler than convincing a poor influenceable gay youth (or even older people) that all they need to do to become "normal" again, is to pray and have faith, and then have them hold onto that false hope for years and years, growing more and more tormented and lost in self-hating as they find out they're still gay. Not that the anti-gay segment of our culture helps that much. This sort of injustice makes me wanna find the nearest parent who engages in precisely this sort of "nurturing" and ... do bad things to them. Child abuse at its purest: the psychological type, which is far more potent than any physical harm can be.
And the crux of this issue: here's what the leader of the whole "stop being gay" therapy bullshit has to say:
Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International, a network of more than 250 ministries that he said "reach out to men and women and families that are affected by what we call 'unwanted same-sex attraction'" disagrees.He offered himself as proof that such efforts can work. "The fact is that there are tens of thousands of men and women just like me who once identified as gay," Chambers said in a telephone interview. "For me and for these people, the truth is change is possible."
Chambers said his transformation from gay man began more than 18 years ago, when he attended a support group at the organization he now leads. Chambers, who said he married a woman nearly 12 years ago, has written a book, "Leaving Homosexuality," which was published last month.
"You can't refute a personal story," he said, adding that about a third of those who try to switch their sexual orientation through the group's ministries wind up doing so.
Can't refute your personal story? Try and stop me. This guy is obviously either a heavily-closeted homosexual himself, or a straight guy who never even was gay, possibly misconstruing some naughty dreams he had as a younger man as homosexual tendencies. (Or possibly he's bisexual and ignores his attraction to men now – there are plenty of possible explanations, other than the bullshit about him having "converted" into a straight man from homosexuality.)
Same goes to all those other "tens of thousands" of credulous fools (and I'd love to verify the credibility of those numbers): either they never actually were gay but thought they were for whatever reason(s), or they're still very much gay but refuse to acknowledge it.
I'm eagerly awaiting the day where all the mental health experts, associations and organizations in the world unite in spreading that irrevocable truth: homosexuality is a natural thing. It is not a sin, and certainly nothing to be ashamed of. And most of all: you cannot stop being homosexual, no more than you can stop being a man or a woman, or short or tall. It's who you are, and isn't subject to manipulation, no matter how you – or bigots around you – want it to go away. It won't.