Well, close – pop music. Specifically, Madonna's pop music. Polish nationalists are slamming the upcoming Madonna concert, the first in the country, scheduled in Warsaw on August 15 – coincidentally, the same date the Virgin Mary supposedly ascended to Heaven.
You really gotta love how these Christians will grab at any opportunity to be pissed and cry injustice. It's just a fucking date.
WARSAW (Reuters) - A group of Polish nationalists condemned on Thursday a planned weekend concert by pop diva Madonna in Warsaw, branding her a "crypto-Satanist" who wants to insult the Christian religion.
Madonna has upset many believers in devoutly Roman Catholic Poland by choosing to give her Polish debut concert on August 15, when Christians mark the Virgin Mary's ascension to heaven.
"Madonna specializes in offending religious feelings... It is possible to suspect her of being a crypto-Satanist," Marian Baranski, deputy head of the "Faith and National Tradition Defense Committee 'Pro Polonia,'" told a news conference.
"Madonna sneers at Jesus Christ, the symbol of the cross and all Christians," said Zygmunt Wrzodak, a former member of the Polish parliament.
Yeah, she's evil that way. Truly, the gall to hold a music concert on a specific date that happens to coincide with a religious folly ... (Seriously, anyone who thinks Madonna picked the date just to piss those poor Persecuted ChristiansTM off is just delusional.)
The group decided to call off its planned protests out of fears of spawning violent riots. ... When you decide not to protest something because you fear it'll degenerate into violent conflicts, you know there's a hell of a problem somewhere.
"This is the anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw... when the Polish army defended our country from the barbarism flooding in from the east. Now the barbarism is coming from the west," said Pawel Zieminski, another member of the 'Pro Polonia' group.
"[B]arbarism" from the west? Gee, I know she's had some misses and all, but to call her music bar— oooh, wait, I see ...