Friday, July 31, 2009

Limbaugh truly is impervious to irony and hypocrisy

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You really have to wonder how some people, usually the far-right wingnuts on the radio and such, can show such complete blindness to the hypocrisy and irony of their own words. It truly is staggering. Example, here's the latest from the Rush Limbaugh, referring to teh Libz and Obama supporters in general:

"And there are people in this country, who are Americans, and have the same view of totalitarianism that all the worst regimes in the world have had. They just are a minority -- or have been a minority. And they have to be stealth to get anywhere, because who's gonna vote for torture, who's gonna vote for tyranny, who's gonna vote for dictatorship? But we did. We did, and you see it slowly encroaching. And if they could move faster on this, they would."

... Says the guy who vouched with all his might for the Bush regime under which "torture" and "tyranny" were as commonplace as they were covered-up via thoroughly illegal methods. And not to mention that, of course, it's precisely Liberals (and Libertarians; anyone but the Right, basically) who would vote against totalitarianism and such.

The mind boggles.

(via Dispatches from the Culture Wars)