Saturday, July 25, 2009

The new haunt: introducing Preliator!

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Welcome to Preliator pro Causa (or Preliator for short) – my new blog! I moved from Respectful Defiance because 1) I was tired of that ineffective and ineffectual name, 2) I'd mangled the template enough so that I couldn't modify it without screwing everything else up as well, and 3) it was just time for a change, I guess.

Preliator will be mostly the same deal: you'll get my two-and-a-half cents on events, random thoughts that cross my mind, new music I compose, and anything else I feel like sharing.

To get started, you could:
• Read a little about me and this blog in the About section;
• Check out my musical works in the My Music section;
• Peruse some of the questions and criticisms regarding atheism and atheists in the Atheism FAQ section (if you're curious); or [section removed – maybe try Top Myths instead?]
• You could Contact Me and share whatever words of wisdom, hilarity or whining you may have. =)

And finally: twelve Internet cookies to anyone who's able to pinpoint what the blog title is, and what it means. ;)

Edit (02/07/12 5:02 PM ET) – Fixed broken links.