Friday, July 31, 2009

A miracle baby turns an atheist into a Christian (sorta)

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Mariano from Atheism is Dead has a story that details how a baby's "miraculous" survival has changed its father from a nonbeliever into a praying, Church-going Christian. And apparently this is of "political and polemical" relevance. Mind explaining to me how so?

Stinson said he has found only one way to explain the whirlwind of events in the last week.

“I was an atheist,” he said in a lengthy phone interview from his Hamilton home. “Now I’m considering going to church and being a believer. There’s got to be someone up there who’s saving our little daughter.”

On Tuesday morning, Stinson got up and prayed for little Ava. That day, he and Paquette learned their baby had been taken off the ventilator the day before.

“That’s enough for me to be a believer,” he said…

All this proves is that a man who was presumably on already weak grounds in his atheistic beliefs was given a push towards faith from the admittedly miraculous survival of his child. It's a touching story that the kid lived, but as far as the battle between religion and atheism is concerned, it's completely irrelevent.

If the guy cannot find a good reason why his baby survived, how 'bout this: the doctors did a good job and the baby was lucky enough to pull through. "Miracles" (and I use that term for lack of a better one) happen all the time. They certainly do not require a godly source or inspiration. Sometimes, people really are just really, really lucky.