Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mariano Är Sannolikt Dum

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Or, for those who haven't yet mastered Swedish: Mariano Is Probably Stupid. Now, disregarding the falsehood that is that sentence (there is no "probably" to it), you may ask why I wrote that in Swedish? Well, because it's cool, for one. And also because it's quite appropriate in response to the this post/screed from the moronic operator of Atheism is Dead, where the thug once again goes on a rant against a goodwill organization just trying to spread a peaceful message. And, as usual, where he claims atheists are positively drowning in expendable money. *Sigh*

The Swedish Humanist Association are the latest group of atheist who have such an overwhelming amount of money, and apparently do not know anyone in need, that they are purchasing ads.

Right, I bet they need to house their own saferooms to store all that cash. Either that, or they just ask for donations (the nerve, right?) and people accept to send some money their way (how horrible of them, in the middle of a recession!) to further a cause they believe in and that is specifically intended to help people live happier lives. Food for thought.

The rise of atheism in America is being celebrated by atheists who have tremendous amounts of money and nothing better to do with it than purchase bus and billboards ads.

Must ... not ... choke ... on ... hypocrisy ...

Seriously, before you besmirch your "enemies", it's probably best to make sure your own side hasn't actually done a hundred times worse previously. What a sanctimonious idiot.

Their ads are to read “Gud finns nog inte” God is not probable or perhaps more literally God exist probably not.

Actually, all the translators I've tried (okay, one or two) translated the phrase into "God Is Not Enough" or close variants, which doesn't actually touch on his existence per se. But we're not all Swedish linguistics experts so let's move on.

The Swedish Humanist Association is desperate to make their plight heard as from a population of 9 million Swedes ONLY 7 million are atheists (or “do not claim to be religious” funny, most bible-thumping-evangelical-fundamentalist-born again-Christians would not claim to be religious).

SayWUT!? How can anyone say two such fundamentally illogical and stupid things in a single sentence? First, I would think that 77% of a country's population being atheistic forgoes the need to place a precursory "only". Second – now that's just a weird thing to say. So "bible-thumping-evangelical-fundamentalist-born again-Christians" ... are not religious?


During a time of worldwide recession atheists in the UK, USA and now in Sweden are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations not in order to help anyone in need but in order to purchase billboards and bus ads in attempts to demonstrated just how clever they think they are—need any more be said?

If we examine that sentence – then no, I think you've pretty much dug yourself straight through the Earth's crust, bub.

Send me a postcard when you reach the core. Should be any day now – always wondered what it was like down there.